Train Me or Someone Else Will
My answers to this test indicates my I.Q. and my honesty.
- My answers to this test indicates my I.Q. and my honesty.
- T. or F. I am trained (influenced) every day.
- T. or F. I know how well my training system (T.S.) works.
- T. or F. My T.S. gets the results best for me.
- T. or F. My T.S. lacks creativity.
- T. or F. Being aware of other training systems is motivating.
- T. or F. I am aware of my T.S. 24-7.
- T. or F. I use a mirror to help me perfect my T.S.
- T. or F. My posture is an important part of my T.S.
- T. or F. My voice is an important part of my T.S.
- T. or F. I am not aware of the link between my attitude and my success.
- T. or F. I am more difficult to train than others.
- T. or F. Training myself is tough and tricky. Everybody training somebody. Don’t miss the fun!
- T. or F. I go along and get along. Not my problem, really! If the boat sinks, goodby.
- T. or F. People do not train me the way I want to be trained.
- T. or F. My training radar is very sensitive to other T.S.
- T. or F. Training others is fun once I understood the program.
- T. or F. It is a must to understand the other person’s training system.
- T. or F. Hey Dude, I have a T.S. detective badge.
- T. or F. If y’all ain’t trainin ya not livin.
- T. or F. To be more effective, I had a psychologist give me advice about my T.S.
- T. or F. I picked three different personality types of friends for my amateur T.S. exercise.
- T. or F. I have problems getting people to accept my T.S.
- T. or F. Should I tell others about their T.S.?
- T. or F. April first is the best day to start a T.S.
- T. or F. Corporations have trained me to do impulse buying.
- T. or F. I belong to an impulse buying therapy group.
- T. or F. Understanding T.S. is a high voltage power trip.
- T. or F. My impulse buying is more important than my credit rating.
- T. or F. I need to follow a credit rating T.S.
- T. or F. Junk food impulse buying crashes my T.S.
- T. or F. Computer games, texting and Facebook are not part of my T.S.
- T. or F. It is so stupid to think carefully before doing impulsive things.
- T. or F. I have a foolproof impulse warning beeper programed into my T.S.
- T. or F. My culture is a T.S. The best workable T.S. is built on trust.
- T. or F. I have improved my parents, teachers and friends T.S.
- T. or F. I understand how my T.S. works on myself and others.
- T. or F. My T.S. is brilliant a ten. My smile gives them fuzzes every time.
- T. or F. T.S. works best with positive speech and positive behavior.