
Quiz Help

Winning is planning in action; Winning is more than luck.

Study for a test for the love of knowledge, not from the fear of a test. Pretest studying is the last opportunity to commit and clarify information in your mind. Enjoy it! When you hope the test is tough rather than easy, you are a scholar deserving of a red carpet entry. The class salutes you!

  1. Know laws, formulas, concepts & principles.
  2. Make up your own test over the material.
  3. Use an organized study plan for finding and reviewing test questions.
  4. Essay tests require study to explain.
  5. Objective tests require study to recognize and respond
  6. Ask teacher for sample questions prior to test.
  7. Ask the teacher to show you how to find test questions in a chapter. What are the clues for a test question?
  8. Make teacher points by asking questions about the test.
  9. A teacher's personality is often reflected in the test.
  10. Know what your teacher wants for answers.
  11. Have a positive attitude on test day.
  12. Carefully read & listen to instructions.
  13. Do the easy questions first; go over the test twice.
  14. Signal words hold clues: That-things, why-reasons,
    when-time, where-places, what-facts.
  15. Note keywords and do what they require: Explain, compare, define, prove, discuss, outline, example, summarize and evaluate.
  16. Adjust time for the value (# points) given for each question.
  17. If question calls for one word or name, two = wrong.
  18. Length of line may be clue to answer.
  19. For essay questions: Organize, outline answer, be legible, check grammar, use logic, give proof. Did I answer the question? Remember grading 25 essay tests is not fun for the teacher. Help the teacher grade your test by writing well.
  20. Concentrate, do not let noise or whatever bother you.
  21. A never is usually false.
  22. Most or almost is usually true.
  23. A long statement is usually true.
  24. A little false is all false.
  25. Single spaced test questions encourage mistakes, be careful.
  26. One question sometimes gives a clue to an answer for another question.
  27. The right answer in the wrong place is wrong.
  28. Look for a pattern in the t/f questions (helps guessing).
  29. A guess is better than leaving a blank.
  30. "An" preceding a blank space indicates the answer begins with a vowel, "a" indicates a consonant.
  31. The verb indicates if answer is singular or plural.
  32. Study daily for difficult classes (include weekends).
  33. Be creative, seek rapport with test and teacher.
  34. Exercise: Going up and down stairs before test helps.
  35. Cheating at the very least is a failure of scholarship. Sit near students who do not cheat. Helping someone to cheat is cheating. Beware cheating is a lifestyle found in all professions.
  36. Winners party after the test.
  37. Passing a test confirms your ability and confidence.
  38. Failing a test confirms your ability and confidence.

An average student who uses top quality study habits consistently can make a B or A in most subjects. Most students have a low academic self-image because they do not study enough to ever understand the subject. Most students have the brainpower but not the study power. Difficult subjects require twice as much study the first few weeks of class. A student must obtain the basic foundation of knowledge for any subject in order to feel confident. The average student does not believe he can
be a superior student by simply doing more study and by improving the quality of his study habits.
A winning attitude and good work habits have a lot in common. One inspires the other.

If you are half way through the course and doing badly, is there still a chance to succeed? Yes! If you are willing to do what it takes. 1) Change your attitude about that particular course or teacher by looking for the good things. 2) Demand that the classroom be a place of learning if it isn't. 3) Get a support team: Ask the teachers, parents and friends for suggestions. Change friends if they insist upon being a distraction. Get real! They will probably be a distraction for a lifetime if you let them. 4) Study the course basics from the beginning. 5) Turn off the radio and the television; they are distractions. 6) Do not feel sorry for yourself; it is a waste of time. Embrace adversity as a friend for life. Adversity shall help your talents to bloom even in the wintertime. Whining is not a winning characteristic. 7) Who are the successful people who you do admire? Start acting and talking like them. Find some reason to believe in yourself everyday. If you really want to win, you shall struggle and find a way to do it. 8) Take charge of your life or someone else less capable will. You shall be very proud of yourself and brag the rest of your life about how you engineered the great come from behind victory.

Success has a feeling; failure has a feeling. The very worst crime is that which we commit against ourselves. We simply do not put forth the effort needed to find out how great we are BECAUSE we
do not think we can win. Fire up! Knowledge is power. Knowledge is confidence. Knowledge is an investment in the future. Knowledge is exciting. Let the volcano explode a winning attitude.

Copyright © 1999 by Earl R. Bergland

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