
Off Shore Mitt
by Earl Bergland, 2012

The Republican Party crowned him an American patriot.

Some detractors pictured him as sociopathic skit.

The more congenial loved him as Off Shore Mitt.

As he grandly postured, did he glitter a bit?

The GOP swore his business acumen was exquisite.

For creating jobs, the top 2% sucked the credit.

However his changing opinions cast a shadow of a twit.

Privatizing social security goosed seniors to spit.

Hacking Medicare whipped seniors into a hissy fit.

Promoting school vouchers wacked teachers to flit.

His giving jobs to China; smacked America a crotch hit.

Talk was he grinned grinding the working class to bitty bit.

In his godly eyes the 47 per cent had no redeeming merit.

Sent millions to Cayman Islands! Can’t he ever quit?

What is the IRS to do with tax dodger, Off Shore Mitt?

Then V.P., Lying Ryan, zapped the working class from budget.

Joseph Smith (50 wives) Brigham Young (27 wives) embraced Christian spirit.

Republican family values lead by a Mormon, Off Shore Mitt.

The voters quietly waved their final audit.

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