
O Man
by Earl Bergland, 2012

The O Man forked tongue talked

Like heavy man repetitiously walked

The nation must go forward, lick lick

Prosecuting bank criminals not patriotic

The O Man certified

His Wall Street lackeys bone de fied

When the drug companies scribed health plan

Taxpayers knew he wasn’t a red white and blue man

Righteously the rich got richer

The rest got a fracking water pitcher

The whistle blower, jailed soothe slayer

Leaking the truth to the taxpayer

The working class mislead

The promised jobs fled

The white men prevailed

The women derailed

The war has no end, no dawn

The O Man droned on, droned on

Yet, it was not the black man’s turn

The white White House that lot spurn

The oil companies paid fracking tribute

Piped all along a tune upon his lute

Nature’s needs held no sway

The 535 mile Solyndra snickered away

A Frederick Douglass, not he.

More a soiled sheet snagged on twisted tree*

*twisted tree = politics

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