
Not Good Enough
by Earl Bergland, 1970

I am not good enough,
I always seem to muff.
My head is full of fluff.

Bookwork was a bad confession.
Grade school embarrassed me too tough.
I'd show the teacher my lesson.
She'd say, "Kid, it's not good enough".

I did all that I could,
Tried stay up with the rest.
That is just where I stood.
I did my honest best.

Met a girl but wasn't long
Before she gave me the cuff.
Not a big fight or bad wrong,
Thinking just not good enough.

Took the placement test,
Scored worst than the rest.
"Sorry there's a cut off line.
Pick the grapes for dinner wine."

"Get a job," folks say in a huff.
"Show that you got the O.K. stuff."
The old foreman said with a puff,
"Today you are not good enough".

You're coming in last, not up to snuff.
How do you keep trying, in the rough
Til someone says "Sure, that's good enough?"

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