
Mormon Facts
by Earl Bergland, 2012

It is in the best interest of men to vote for Mormons and encourage women to also.

The following information was taken from the Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of World Religions (page 1017).

Joseph Smith was the founder of the Mormon religion. He was born December 23, 1805 in Vermont and was killed by a mob June 27, 1844 in Illinois. He was an unschooled child. In 1827 he claimed an angel directed him to buried golden plates that contained the history of American Indians. The gold plates were written by the prophet Mormon. His son, Moroni, made additions and buried the plates in the ground where they remained about 1400 years, until Moroni, a resurrected being or angel delivered them to Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith later returned them to Moroni(Of course, why would he keep them?).(Such tales explains why the Mormons do not drink!) The Book of Mormon he translated from "reformed Egyptian". The neighbors were upset (killed him) about the Mormon's unorthodox cooperative society ruled by ecclesiastical oligarchy that practiced polygamy.

He may have married as many as 50 wives (If he married his first wife when he was 18, then how many wives did he marry per year? Were his wives women whose husbands died of old age? Yeah, right!). His first wife had nine children. His goal for the Mormon religion was perpetual prosperity.(Thank you Joseph Smith for the Mormon religion: women slaves and perpetual prosperity). The church's presidents continue to be lineal descendants of Smith, beginning with Joseph Smith in 1832.

(page 750) Mormons accept the Bible as far as it is translated correctly. In an addition they accept the Book of Mormon. (Which has the last word?) The Mormon doctrine diverges from orthodox Christianity, particularly in affirming that God has evolved from man and that men (women?) might evolve into gods, that the persons of the Trinity are distinct beings, and that human souls have preexisted (a form of reincarnation?).

The Moromns believe that faithful members of the church will inherit eternal life as gods, and even those who had rejected God's law would live in glory (So who cares about made in China, outsourcing jobs and deregulating wall street?). (Plus here on earth: wives and perpetual prosperity. Are we talking male converts or what?)

At the age of 12, all worthy males become deacons in the Aarronic Priesthood; they become teachers when 14 years old and priests at the age of 16. Two years later they may be become elders and be called upon to do 18 months of missionary work.(If the mature men are marrying most of the young women, then why would one want the young men around? Gays and lesbians (What are 20 wives supposed to do?) might be attracted the the Mormon lifestyle.)

Initiates (baptism) witness a dramatic performance of the story of creation, learn secret passwords and grips, and receive a secret name (Mormons have secret underwear. Designed by Victoria's Secret. Serious, Dude?).

(page 1158) Brigham Young was born June 1, 1801 and died August 29, 1877. Having accepted the doctrine of plural marriage, he took more than twenty wives and fathered 47 children. He became a notably wealthy man (women slaves and perpetual prosperity) and the second president of the Mormon church until he died. He was a carpenter (like Jesus) joiner, painter and glazier. He led the Mormons from Illinois to Utah in 1846. He was the first governor of Utah. President Buchanan had him replaced (women sex thing).

In summary one can absolutely state that the Mormon religion is not a wild willy nilly cult. It is rather a no nonsense business like religion that most reasonable men craving a full sensuous lifestyle would enjoy. Having a Mormon president for the U.S.A. would certainly enhance/empower men's role in society which according to the doctrine of the Holy Bible is how it should be. Such an event would shower comfort and security upon females in spite of the outsourcing of jobs, disappearing health care and privatizing social security.

A vote for guys like Mitt Romney is a vote for real American values. God bless America!

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