
Junk Food

Child abuse is feeding children junk food and soft drinks. Overprotective parents insist on children wearing headgear for bikes and pillow fights. Children are hurt far more by junk food than by bikes. Question: How can hi-tech overprotective parents allow children to eat junk food? Answer: Wimpy junk food parents would rather say yes to no preparation corporate processed foods than do right by their kids. Parents with shopping carts of soft drinks, boxed cereals, pizza, bread, canned fruit, chips, dips, and candy should be allowed to wear hoods in grocery stores to escape being recognized by competent parents. Junk food moms associate the benefits of shopping carts of junk food with having big breasts. What woman is sexy bringing home dried beans, rice, oatmeal, celery, cabbage and cauliflower? It is safer for children to have loaded guns in the house than junk food. Junk food chemicals and soda drink chemicals are drugs that should require a warning label and a doctor's prescription.

Parents in every town and city should demand to have a farmer's market once a week. A farmer's market provides a means for parents to stress to children the importance of fresh fruits and vegetables. To experience food shopping without the presence of junk food would be a miracle.

Parents should not be allowed to send their children to school if they had any processed food (Milk is a joke.) for breakfast. School cafeterias should not be allowed to serve processed food for lunch. No soda or junk food should be allowed on school grounds. Every school district should have a philosophical statement concerning junk food and soda as it relates to the education of children. School districts need to accept their fair share for contributing to overweight students. Lack of leadership always produces student problems that are not the fault of children. There is no sense in putting up a stop sign until a few kids get killed at the intersection. Hey, that is just the way it is here at Computer City, USA.

Children's behavior is directly related to what they eat and drink. Why do school officials and parents insist upon ignoring eating habits? A child who has a soft drink and sweet cereal for breakfast can't be expected to do well in class. Students eating junk food and drinking soda would need to have a doctor prescribe drugs in order to have some kind of acceptable self-control in the classroom.

The goal of corporations is to have people eating only processed foods. It is very stupid to believe any of their advertisements. Corporations demonstrate daily their lack of concern for the health and safety of people. The food corporations are just as guilty of ruining health as are the tobacco and alcohol corporations. Sweet loving mothers would have healthier sons by allowing them to go to houses of ill repute than to fast food restaurants (The latter offers no protection.). Men would have healthier hearts getting high on pot than on junk food. Neither is recommended except for those desiring to shorten their life spans.

If there was a peeking tom in the community, junk food mothers would be blowing air horns, having bonfire dances and casting spells. Junk food ads plastered all over for their children to read do not cause even an arched eyebrow. There are no protest marches against food corporations. Why? Mothers use junk food as pacifiers and rewards as soon as the baby is old enough to consume them. Most mothers today think junk food meals are wholesome. That just shows what a fantastic job the junk food corporations are doing at marketing. Mothers think a dab of fresh worthless lettuce leaves swimming in junk salad dressing meets the requirement to pro claim that a healthy meal is on the table. Mothers have happily sold out the family's health and the family's saving account to the junk food corporations, big time. Yes, junk food moms have the backbone and intellect to protect the family from peeking toms, and they are proud of it. Fat kids and blonds do have more fun.

Where are all the preachers? The great protectors are not really fighting for family values. They are doing chip and dip while preparing sermons.

Where are all the bankers? The great protectors are not really fighting for saving and investing money. They are serving cookies and candy on Friday afternoon for check cashers.

Junk food costs rob the family's saving account, vacation fund and school fund. The greatest robbery is the theft of the family's health. Students do not become overweight and depressed from eating raw carrots. Junk food is psychologically stressful and limits mental and physical performance.

Junk food is more harmful to kids than drugs. Where is the war against junk food? Why is it legal?

It takes a village. Yes, it takes a village of idiots to degrade the public school system in America.

Taste is the important thing. Nothing else matters except taste. Taste is an addiction in belief and thinking. Sacrifice everything for taste! Junk food idiots comprise the largest collection of Adam Henrys in the world. There should be a holiday honoring them sponsored by chiropractors, psychologists, dentists, doctors, health clinics, ad agencies and junk food corporations.

Extreme! Who knows where the line for each child is in terms of junk food effecting behavior? The same parent who says if prohibiting fireworks saves the sight of one child, blah blah. Does not say if prohibiting junk food saves one child from taking a gun to school, blah blah. How many cups of sugared coffee does it take in the morning for John Doe to commit an act of road rage? Hoo dat say da kinda foo weuns gobble ain't goosin' youalls behavya? Hell, every woman knows that the way to a man's reading ability is through his stomach.

Copyright © 2002 by Earl R. Bergland

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