For Profit
Letter to Editor
The primary purpose of business is making profit. Ah, simple life! Alas, days of plunder and pollution are gone (joking). Liberal small people want to regulate the rights that are the property of business. Fortunately, corporations have been financially able to influence politicians more than the spoiled small people.
Corporations have majestic wings that seek the joy of flight to distant lands. Yet the babbling envious peasants in suburban slums whine to legislative gods about curtailing erotic flights of fiscal opulence. Was not off shore bank accounts and outsourcing jobs part of God’s creation plan? Fool, how can the rich give to the needy if there are no rich? Why invest in a business whose primary purpose is to pay bills and create jobs? Corporate responsibility, blah humbug! Long-term profit thing is like old people dancing. Get a life! But short-term profit is a roller coaster ride for movers and shakers. Hey, someone must carry water, do green, attend public schools, and pay taxes. Man up girl!
Small people what price will you pay for corporate profit (CEOs love short- term profit)? History indicates your opinion does not matter. Good news: corporations care about small people opinions of guns, God bless America, same sex, abortion, and lower taxes. God corporate sound bites!
Bad news: part of corporate big picture is for national parks to become so expensive that small people cannot afford to visit (rich only). Classy hotels shall replace campgrounds because campers are cheap, have loose morals, bratty kids and attract bears. Discrimination by money is voltage especially money gained from government (taxpayer) contracts. If only there could be titles mmmm baron, princess, duke! If it walks, talks treason!