
Educated Gibberish
by Earl Bergland, 2008

Letter to Editor

As I read the article written in The Times-Call on September 11, 2008 about the $400,000 grant for the RE1J School District, I felt dizzy, a need to vomit. After recovering, I thought this is a rude sense of humor. The bold even brash impunity betrayed by school administrator's words minimizes global warming. Put lipstick on mules, elephants or school administrators and gibberish is still gibberish, weasel talk. They think taxpayers are stupid and gullible.

I heard the same remarks made forty years ago in faculty meetings. 101 Gibberish 1. by Regina Renaldi “They (the consultants) might have another set of eyes (District has a zillion blind eyes now?) that can give us another point of view. They need to get into those schools.” Sauce Gibberish 2. “The consultants are here not to tell us how to do it, but how to do it better.” Assurance Gibberish 3. by Connie Syferd, “We don’t take the creativity out of teaching.” Profound Gibberish 4. “They talked about students who were not performing where they could be.” College professors said that about Albert Einstein. Up Grading Gibberish 5. “The district is trying to solidify its standards-narrowing-yet allowing-flexible.” More Taxes Gibberish 6. “We are by no means finished with the process.” Superhuman Gibberish 7. “it (district) needs great teachers who can immediately respond to needs of all students.” Gotta Be Kidding Gibberish 8. “clear, focused and strategic efforts to improve communication.”

No administrator mentioned student awareness, classroom discipline, respect for teachers and respect for taxpayers. (Also stated forty years ago.) Taxpayers get it straight: no student awareness, no discipline and no respect means low achievement. Too simple!

If the school board fires the three: Regina Renaldi, Connie Syferd and Tori Teague to show good faith to the taxpayers, then I shall vote yes on the next school bond or tax. Otherwise what one sends out is what one gets back. Taxpayers pay for grants. Taxpayers demand achievement or pink slips.

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