Credit Cripple

Are you a Credit Cripple?

Working people cannot afford boogie man credit. Slash the impulse buying, junk food bill, the fancy clothes and the shiny hubcaps, but do not slash your credit rating. A lifetime of low credit rating is lifelong torcher. Children must be taught the relationship of character to a successful lifestyle.

Wimpy, stand up! You must fight fiercely to protect your credit rating. It means tens of thousands of dollars in your savings. Resolve to man-up every day 24-7! Sure people may call you cheap, but you will have a happy savings account with tens of thousands of dollars. Sure, the pay check to pay check people may say you only have a go around once trip blah blah, but you have a wonderful feel good savings cushion for your trip. Do you really want the lifestyle crippling stress of bad credit? Do people with good credit have fewer heart attacks? Do the moocher people with lousy credit have the most respect, friends?

This truly insightful questionair, credit profile check list, and credit impowerment guide can help you improve your FICO credit score and attitude towards credit.

  • The Credit Cripple questionair has 126 credit teaching questions with the answers.
  • The Credit Profile provides a crucial check list of good credit “must haves”.
  • The Credit Power impowerment guide shows you the benefits of having a good FICO credit score.
As an added bonus, the MocTec motivational guide is included with your purchase of Credit Cripple! The additional information provided about motivational techniques shall keep you on track.