
Born of Woman
by Earl Bergland, April 2nd, 2010
Dedicated to Catherine, Marcella and Teresa.

I am not of Adam’s “me first” rib fib.
Hey opposites! I create love’s hunger.
God, why not Jesus from Adam’s bland* crib?
God designed driven greed, power monger.

Why rebel Jesus of my sacred womb?
I was forged in Goddess Nature’s glow!
My love bond and DNA fled His tomb.
Love evolved only from these arms of woe*.

Gather gold, pets, toys and heaven above.
Fear trust bond! Hunt your heart’s elusive prey.
Try to duplicate my nurturing love.
Destroy or displace, love shall fight its fray.

Man’s future is of my womb, of my mind.
Feel it! Live it! Hail, wise Goddess Devine!

*no womb Line 7—Love in heaven, got there via me. *Woe caused by protecting child and caused by man’s historic cruel religious given power over women. The only concerns of this poem are prenatal care and childcare in formative years. The terrorist mind begins in the womb. Logic 101: No wombs,
no terrorists!

Reference "All of the Women of the Bible" by Edith Deen page 156
Reference "Gyn/ecology" by Mary Daly page 181
Reference "The Dialectic of Sex" by Shulamith Firestone page 126

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