
A Virgin
by Earl Bergland, 2015

The sexist Bible men condone by God
That only a virgin have favored nod
Not a virgin; then Jesus mom can’t be
Unclean, condemned, stoned by the Holy See

Ride donkey all day, birth in stable mess
Not a handmaid near, what god provides less
What station women in religious life
Why sanction children born poverty strife

Oh wise men can’t future you see the need
For women, children equal path there lead
Trust world leadership to a virgin mind
The gods’ virgin concept is quite unkind

What gods care this philosophical rant
Our second class women not important

Line 4 A raped woman could be put in cage or pit and stoned
Line 12 Why burden women with virginity? Classifying women is helpful?
Line 12 Should the word be is or was?
Line 14 Is the word “Our” the best choice? Our puts reader into poem.
How a “good” idea by men writing the Bible went wrong for women.
What tweaks could make this poem better?

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